Autumn in the Danube Delta

The great time of migration of birds to South
It's Time for Birds
Now you can see Pelicans chicks, along with many other
It's Time for Landscapes
The colors are beautiful, the light is warm

What can I see in the Danube Delta in the autumn?

Surprisingly much!

September: A part of the birds nesting here are leaving and we can see them gathered in large flocks preparing to migrate. A part of the northern birds migrating here are already present – we can see now the Caspian Tern, the Sandwich Tern etc. The chicks of birds leaving late have already grown older and big and we can see them. Pelicans go out fishing with their chicks and teach them to fly. You can see pelican chicks ONLY in the autumn! Water lilies are in full bloom after the scorching August heat.  

October: Large flocks of birds are migrating. You can see now the most spectacular sunrises from a chromatic point of view. Nothing compares to an autumn sunrise, especially if seen from the water. Mist rises from the water early in the morning, cormorants are fishing ceaselessly, and White Pelicans are still training their chicks for their flight to Africa.

November: Geese, geese and again geese! You can see whole flocks of geese passing over the Danube Delta, as well as tardy White Pelicans, Dalmatian Pelicans, Pygmy and Great Cormorants, Ducks… BUT! Especially big birds of prey coming here for winter have already arrived or they are still passing by. There are species that one cannot see during the summer! We will certainly see many specimens of the largest bird of prey of the Danube Delta: the White-tailed Eagle.

Advantages of a visit to the Danube Delta during the autumn:

  • We do not wake up very early anymore to see the sunrise
  • The landscape is absolutely fascinating, with mist in the morning, the colours of nature in the autumn, colours that have nothing to do with the classical forest or land vegetation
  • There are no mosquitoes left!
  • There are only few tourists here and we have so many boats available
  • Evenings are long and pleasant
  • We have good prices!

So hurry up to take a glance at our list of offers for the autumn and book your spot in due time for the most beautiful trips organised in the Danube Delta!